Gentle Heterodoxy.
Social Body and its Enchantments
30.09. - 09.10.18
Olga Cerkasova, Lisa Gutscher, Julian-Jakob Kneer, Sarah Ksieska, Catalina Ouyang, Joanna Rajkowska & Alicja Wysocka, Mikołaj Sobczak, The Soft Pink Truth, Andrew Wagner
Curated by
Sebastjan Brank und Dennis Brzek
The occult operates on multiple planes of existence that all result in a flourishing of queer parallel economies. As inert matter becomes imbued with a sensuous agency, the occult does away with false binaries. It is a somnambulist pushed around by the non-categorisable blob of para-potentialities. The arcane and the bifurcated entities protect the subject from its own destruction, feeding it with visions for future collectivities and present de-individualisations. The hardship imposed on practitioners of politically and religiously disposed rites and rituals has always primarily affected the outcast and marginalized. These are groups of people that to this day find themselves ostracized and pushed to a precarious existence by mainstream biopolitical and semio-economic thought.
Such subjects strive to manicure their potency in order to destabilize the reigns of the father, the son, and the holy money and acquire tools of boundless vigor by joyously engaging in practices and imagery typically labeled as crude deterioration and moral insufficiency. This enchanted iconography has too often been linked to a quintessential dichotomy of “evil and good” by the state-funded labour system.
Let the heterodoxy instead proliferate in all of its perversity!

Photography © Eike Walkenhorst