23.04 – 30.04.2021
Group exhbition with Ayla Pierrot Arendt, Agnese Galiotto, Alina
Kopytsa, Kristina Lovaas
Curated by Teodora Talhoș

The starting point of this exhibition, which should have originally
opened five months ago, was the inner turmoil caused by the social unrest that
reached a high point recently. Broadly speaking, civil disobedience is produced
by an unfortunate entanglement of unfavorable political and social conditions
and a deeply rooted systemic discrimination. It usually unfolds as a chaos of
smoke and anger, with victims on all sides. During the past few months, the initial
idea of the show expanded and transformed, being heavily influenced by the
current pandemic situation that made this world an increasingly precarious
place. Not only has it left a mark on our personal lives, making us suspicious
and anxious in our everyday interactions, but it also left the vulnerable
population even more exposed to physical and economical adversities. It is in this
overloaded context that the notion of vulnerability should be reassessed.
HARDCOEUR reflects on
vulnerability as a versatile form of resistance that can show dissatisfaction
with the existing hegemonic structures in a way that doesn’t employ violence
and is sustainable. At the same time, it aims at investigating its potential as
a catalyst for collective resilience, starting with the individual. Being
vulnerable means being exposed, but also having agency, thus acting and being
acted on at the same time. Acknowledging and embracing one’s own vulnerability
implies taking a subversive stance against an established world view that
primarily understands power as a display of brutality.
The four artistic
positions presented in the exhibition propose different approaches towards
vulnerability, implying it through a critique and a questioning of the dominating
social and institutional constraints. The artworks reflect on the topic of
radical exposure not only on a conceptual level, bult also on a material one.
Embroidery, ceramics, performance and video are all media which are not (yet)
fully embedded in the art historical canon or have only recently gained
acknowledgement. Some of them have
historically been associated with stereotypes of feminine means of expression and
thus treated as peripheral to the main narrative of Western Art History. These
materials are employed in creating an artistic context that enables a direct
confrontation with the public space and invites the audience to an open

Installation view HARDCOEUR

Installation view HARDCOEUR

Kristina Lovaas, Epigone, 2021

Agnese Galiotto, Meseret, Video, 2021

Ayla Pierrot Arendt, Justitia - ein Blick in den Brunnen, Performance, 2021