09.09. - 10.09.17
Annkathrin Kluss, Ella CB, Fanni Futterknecht, Florian Mehmeti Löffler, James Gregory Atkinson, leo, Lotte Meret Effinger, Louis Henderson, Maria Antelman, Maximilian Klawitter, Mizu Sugai & Jonathan Jung, Raphael Sbrzesny, Sarah Ancelle Schönfeld, Sophie Jung, Stefan Cantante, Twin Towers (Flávio Degen & Kosei Takasaki) and Yana Tsegay
Curated by
Caro Feistritzer and Hendrike Nagel
Only a small range of a person’s sensory possibilities are utilised to bring into contact the world and ourselves: the eyes, the ears, the hands register different kind of information. The new symbiosis of tools as an extension of senses increasing the potentiality of various phenomena create new values of use developing that function of science which makes it appear as an innovating factor of production processes. Thus, new transpersonal defences are created whose complex mechanisms tend often to fragment behavioural models into rigid patterns. It would seem that another human being remains the surest way to render the world alive to men or, on the other hand, to drive the reality in which one lives by a means of a glance, a gesture, a phrase. The transformation of body and mind into the only tool results into new models which are evolved out of reductive processes: from the use of tools, to the use of the body, from the use of matter to the use of energy. That what really stands between us cannot be expressed by the name of over-imposed things, but, in broad terms, the problem stands as there discovery of ourselves to the elimination of all the formal structures and, in general, all that exists apart from the individual.[1]
SuperLiv/fe. A tribute to the architecture collective Superstudio:THEM: being considered radical, political and controversial, being idealist futurists.US: being post-radical, post-political and post-controversial, being post-idealist super-futurists.THEM: being faced with an uprising use of technology, a shared techno-utopian-ideology.US: being faced withreality equally consisting out of virtual and physical dimensions, a shared techno-dystopian-ideology.THEM: trying to undermine this modernist optimism.US: trying to reflect on post-modernist optimism.THEM: anticipating an alternative model for life on earth.US: searchingfor contemporaneous updates for induced visions for life on earth.THEM: taking humanbeings as the basis of every individual thinking.US: creating inter-human experiences basedon individual performances.THEM: developing ideology, models of thought, a commondiscourse: a grid, a system, a template structure for individual utopia and alternativeworlds.US: giving space for alternative concepts, critical drafts, a collective reformulation:a network, a stage, a nomadic course of performances for individual worlds and personalimagination.THEM: constructing a nomadic model of existence, free of material dimensionsand hierarchies.US: constructing a nomadic model of exhibition, live and without anyneeds of objecthood.THEM: understanding architecture as a research system, a potentialdevice.US: understanding exhibitions as a research system, a potential device.BOTH:taking an oppositional stand, thinking across disciplines, concentrating on the ritual andthe experience, redefining the relationship between human and nature and technology andaligning the individual and the collective.
We will keep silent to listen to our own bodies. We will hear the sound of our blood in our ears, the slight cracking of our joints or our teeth. We will examine the texture of our skins, the patterns made by the hairs on our bodies and hands. We will listen to our hearts and ourbreathing. We will watch ourselves listen. We will do very complicated muscular acrobatics. We will do very complicated mental acrobatics. The mind will fall back on itself to read itsown history. We will carry out astonishing mental operations. Perhaps, we will be able to transmit thoughts and images. Then, one happy day, our minds will be in communication with the whole world. That which is called philosophy will be the natural physical activity of our minds and will, at the same time, be philosophy, religion, love, politics, science. [1]
[1] Extract from: “Supersuperficie” (Supersurface): An alternative model for life on the Earth, Superstudio, 1972